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Chaya Rochel Zimmerman writes novels portraying facets of contemporary Jewish Orthodox life: her work serves as a medium for communal self-reflection.

Chaya Rochel Zimmerman

Latest Release

Seattle to Strawberries


Seattle to Strawberries is a young adult novel about sixteen year old, Rina Ziskind, sleuth-in-training, who sees every sign of a bright future at her Jewish school in Seattle, until the tuition crisis hits hard; her father has no way to pay and the scholarship fund mysteriously disappears. Clues lead Rina to a wealthy man in town, Mr. Nathan Rudd, who has suddenly taken over the school’s finances. But before she can solve the mystery, Rina and her family are whisked away to her father’s new job on a strawberry farm in Cedar Grove, Oregon, which is sadly empty of Jewish life.


Teen readers will relate to Rina’s complicated mix of emotions fueled by her determination against all odds to restore her family’s dignity and to complete her high school diploma that she is certain will seal her financial future. Rina’s encounter with Jews from different walks of life provides the opportunity for her to make Judasim her own as she moves towards adulthood. 

Our Novels

“If Hashem gave you the ability and guided you to write a book, then whatever the book’s plot may be, the inner dimension must be that when a reader finishes the book, he must walk away with the conviction that despite the fools who think that  the world runs randomly, there is a Master in charge of this turbulent world and in the end righteousness and goodness prevail.”

I express gratitude to the Lubavitcher Rebbe for his insightful words concerning the purpose of an author.

Upcoming Novels


Eighteen-year-old Netta is troubled by frightening dreams of her shameful wrongdoings in a previous lifetime centuries ago. Her application to seminary in Israel is only an excuse to rediscover her ancient home. Netta’s more interested in the mountains, caves and fields outside her classroom window than her seminary classes. She stands torn between recollections of her past as a girl named Kezia and her present-day reality.


Her uncanny ability to nurture the herbal plants of the ketoret spices in the land of Israel are the key to righting the wrongs of a past life, however her shocking discoveries threaten to have her banned from Israel forever. Only the mekubal can point her in the right direction to fulfill her mission in this present life, but Netta insists he is misleading her. Will she rectify her soul and replant herself in this world bringing honor to her ancient family’s traditions or will she forfeit her destiny and be cursed?

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